Somatic Meditation and the Skandhas

(For a review of the skandhas, please see the previous few posts.)

The Three Key Steps

Somatic meditation practice takes us right to the second skandha, sensation, where the nervous system has immediate encounters with the more tangible aspects of the world of form. This realm is pre-story, pre-thought and thus where we want to ground our attention. Meditation begins with gaining proficiency in directing and sustaining the faculty of attention and the sensory realm is a great place to start. Following the breath is the foundation of somatic meditation and one of the best ways of reigning in the wandering mind away from its addiction to thought. As simple as it sounds, this process takes years of practice and even then, the mind, by nature, wants to keep moving. Patanjali describes this concisely and elegantly, in sutras I-12 – I-16, abhyasa and vairagyam, the first practices given in the Yoga Sutras and the root of all to come.

BKS padmasanaTo practice somatically, sitting, or in any posture, we start with the intention to keep our attention localized in the breath, recognizing that the habitually wandering mind will resist. When the mind wanders off into thought, as it will, we lovingly and compassionately bring our attention back to the breath. We then ask ourselves where in our bodies do we feel the breath most clearly, and that area becomes the ‘seed’ or ‘bija’ for our attention. We are not trying to change or alter the breath, but just feel it, receive and release it, one breath at a time. Our practice unit is ‘one breath’. Then we begin again. Just one breath. This is the first step and amazingly enough, we are always taking the first step.

The area of the body where the breath is felt most clearly is liable to move around and that can be a very revealing experience. Married with attention is an underlying intelligence known in Sanskrit as the buddhi, and as the buddhi awakens, another level of our somatic practice begins to emerge. We may feel that we only feel the breath on the right side, and the intelligence notes that you are unconsciously leaning to the right. A subtle shift of your weight allows the breath to be a little more even. Notice this was not an attempt, based upon an idea, to change the breath, but a felt recognition of a somatic imbalance that, when adjusted, released the breath into a more open spacious feeling.

A similar phenomenon can occur when you notice the sensations of breath remains up in the chest. The buddhi recognizes that this is caused by tension in the belly, and when you drop the belly, the breath opens more fully into the lower body. How does the buddhi know this? Because you have been practicing for a long enough time that it has learned what that sensation is trying to tell you. Those of you following these blog post for several years might recognize this as ‘samyama in asana where, as Iyengar described, the organs of action, organs of perception and the intelligence become a single conscious movement in the entire body.  The term ‘samyama’ comes from Patanjali’s sutras III-1 – III-8, and samyama in asana is somatic meditation. This awakening of the buddhi/intelligence is the second step in somatic meditation and the possibilities growth here are infinite.

The third step begins with allowing the self organizing capacities of the body awakened in this practice to continue on, sustaining the posture, and to let your attention move to the overall womanillusionfield of energy that extends out beyond your skin. This field is transparent, and if you can relax without letting your mind wander, your attention may flip, like with the famous young woman/old woman optical illusion, from being the field, to being infinite, timeless spaciousness, the Ground of Being in which the field is continuously arising.

When you can rest in this stillness stably, and recognize ‘I am This’, you will have the direct experience of both the PYS I – 3: tada drashtuh svarupe avasthanam: then the identity of the Self (I am) with pure Awareness becomes stable; and the famous Vedantic mahavakya, ‘Tat Vam Asi’ or That You Are. The first section of the 46th Psalm verse 1, Be still, and know that I am God, unfolds the Christian version of the same sutra, however, with usually a different interpretation.

Resting in stillness is likely to be an unstable state and the mind will return to thought and the process begins again; pause, relax, feel the breath, allow it to flow. We are always beginning again. Somatic meditation can be done in any pose, not just seated ones. Restorative yoga poses offer many different opportunities to explore samyama. Remember, step one is to bring your attention to the breath/qi/pranic flow, step two is to open to the deeper realms of intelligence waiting to be discovered, and step three is to expand towards and then rest in the stillness when the intelligence takes over the operation of the pose. The stronger the coherence in the energy fields, the easier it is to rest in silence without distraction.

When you are not in a somatic meditative state, the intelligence continues to operate, keeping the flows of digestive peristalsis, circulation, respiration and cerebro-spinal circulation going, but it is non-conscious and shaped by old habits in the musculo-skeletal and nervous systems. These patterns tend to become more deeply embedded in the tissues and more difficult to transform. This is why aging brings out all sorts of issues. Through conscious somatic meditation, the opportunity arises to let the entangled energy patterns to release into more coherent, more efficient ones. Aging, if experienced as a state of continuous somatic meditation, can then be a way to become less stuck and more open, rather than the opposite.

The education of the buddhi is crucial for this process to deepen and build greater coherence. When are attention and psychic/mental energy is constantly being consumed by trivia or dysfunctional thought patterns, learning ceases. The reliance on habitual patterns can be very useful if they are wisely chosen and continually checked for relevance. This frees up attention for observing what is new, more subtle, more ineffable and allowing this new information to be integrated. This is described by Patanjali in sutras I-23 – I-27 as ‘ishvara pranidhana’. Difficult to translate, Ishvara can be seen as the foundation intelligence of the universe, and all of its manifestations, and all of its possibilities, in all realms of creation. Pranidhana is intention-less total devotion or bhakti, here dedicated to the mystery of Ishvara. In somatic meditation, this is a living presence.

The buddhi is nurtured in silence, so this third step cannot be over emphasized. It is also the most elusive and challenging, as the mind really dislikes stillness and rushes in to fill the space. Discipline is crucial in not getting sucked into the habit. Another challenging aspect is that often, when the buddhi is engaged, the thoughts can be ‘enlightening’, as they are coming from a deep connection to the core of being. The fourth klesha ,asmita, mentioned by Patanjali in II-6,  addresses this dilemma. The buddhi is still of the world of form, and the small self insidiously attaches to and takes claim for the buddhi and the revelations. Another version of possible confusion arises because the buddhi is channeling insight is still a transient state that will come to an end. If we ‘believe’ that this is the awakened state, when it does end, as it will, we are likely to feel that this means we have ‘lost’ our way and plunge back into the confusion of the dysfunctional skandhas.

In the silence of stillness, the egoic thoughts begin to dissolve. In ishvara pranidhana, the devotional mind set, coming from the heart, also helps negate the attempts of the egoic self to stake its territory.

In the next post, I will present some alternative poses to practice and more subtle layers of the energy fields to explore.

Love, Death and the Skandhas: part 3

The Four Flavors of Love

Some of the greatest advances in modern neuroscience include the expansion of our understanding of the origins and mechanisms of trauma and other modes of emotional disregulation, and the pathways toward healing these wounds. Books by Dan Siegel, Daniel Goleman, Rick Hanson, Allan Schore and others have presented these new insights in a variety ways. * (see below) But, amazingly enough, some of the most profound healing practices for this realm date back to the early Vedic times, 2500 years or so ago. Known as the Brahma Viharas or the four abodes of Brahma, these practices are expressions of the most divine of the emotions, love.

As mentioned in the previous post, practicing the Brahma Viharas is a crucial aspect of preparing the mind and emotions for dealing with death, illness and other challenges and awakening to the depths of love that abide in our natural state. Buddha made these a key aspect of his teaching and the modern Theravadin Buddhists, as exemplified by Western Buddhist teachers Sharon Salzberg, Jack Kornfeld and others have done an amazing job of bringing these practices to the 21st century.

For the yoga students, the ‘abodes of Brahma’, or ‘frolics in God’, as my first Sutras teacher called them, appear in the Samadhi Pada as sutra I-33. They are a direct antidote to the terror of the first skandha and thus are essential for cultivating a strong and open heart. Patanjali doesn’t offer details of ‘how’ to practice the Braahma viharas, so we will introduce those later. The following paragraphs are taken from my Sutras translation and study guide found elsewhere on this site.

I-33  Maitri karuna mudita upekshanam sukha dukha punya apunya vishayanam bhavanatash citta prasadanam.
(The mind becomes purified by) friendliness, compassion, joy, and indifference (equanimity) (respectively) towards those who are successful, suffering, virtuous and unvirtuous.

“Patanjali continues the discussion of eliminating the distractions to samadhi consciousness by addressing the emotions. Because the emotions are so crucial to bringing stability to the mind, this is one of the most important sutras. This sutra also is recapitulated in sutra II-33 where pratipaksha bhavanam, cultivating the opposite mind state, is reintroduced as a means to overcoming negative emotions. These are practices of the heart and are very important in the Buddhist teachings as well.

Friendliness, or loving kindness as it is commonly called in the Buddhist world, is the easiest and most natural positive emotion to cultivate. We all know what it is like to have a friend, to feel the love, warmth and openness that comes when we are with a friend. But also, it is not uncommon to feel envious or jealous over other people’s success or good luck. Practicing maitri (metta or loving kindness) by remembering and recreating these feelings of love, when feeling jealous or disappointed, helps to keep the mind calm and the heart open. And practicing simple kindness in general, like eating good food, nourishes and strengthens the heart. Buddhist teacher Sharon Salzberg has been instrumental in promoting ‘metta practice’, metta being the Pali term for maitri, Pali being the language of the Buddha.

Compassion, karuna, goes right to the heart. When we see others suffering we may either turn away to avoid the depths of feeling, or perhaps take some cruel delight if it happens to be an enemy that is suffering. Choosing to remain compassionate (karuna) in the face of suffering keeps us in our hearts and grounded in being. Being compassionate towards ourselves is also an important and challenging practice. Literally meaning ‘to feel with’, compassion is a profound experience of love and support to another being.

Appreciative Joy: Joy is all around us. From the simple joy of children at play, of lovers in a gentle embrace, to the blooming of flowers and the delight of pets with their owners, life at its core exudes joy. But we do not always feel joyous ourselves so we need to build up a ‘bank account’ of joy. Others may make us feel inadequate, less than worthy, insecure in our selves, if we are prone to engage in comparison. Remembering the joy or delight (mudita) we have felt form others allows us to touch our own joy,  and thus strengthen our own joyful, open-hearted self sense. Seeing joy in someone we dislike can also set up feeling of anger and resentment. At a deeper level, life at its essence is joyful. Can we feel appreciative joy at the song of a bird, a flower in bloom, of the night sky?

Equanimity: Seeing suffering and injustice can easily evoke anger and fear. The Sanskrit word upeksha literally means indifference. Here, indifference to suffering and injustice does not mean inactivity or apathy, (See Bhagavad Gita) but a state of non reactivity so that anger and fear do not disturb the mind field with a torrent of negative emotional energy. The Buddhists translate upeksha (upekka in Pali) as equanimity and I like this word much better than indifference. Again the point is to be present to suffering and injustice without falling into emotional turmoil. Then appropriate action (dharma) can be taken with a clear mind and open heart. One of the important lessons from the workshop around care-giving was to watch for ‘pathological altruism’, where our responses to someones suffering are attempts to avoid our own inner suffering and distress that are being evoked. The practice of upeksha can help with this.

Equanimity is the anchor of the four Brahma Viharas as it acknowledges reality. There is suffering. There is injustice. As much as I would love for it all to go away, life is what it is. And this is difficult to accept. Equanimity is the ultimate emotional stabilizer.

The Four Flavors of Love

Frank Ostaseski referred to the Brahma Viharas as the ‘Four Flavors of Love’, and both he and Joan Halifax pointed to Sharon Salzberg as the one who impelled them to start working with their own metta practice, which involves repeating specific phrases over and over. The metta phrases are relational, heart centered, and very effective if practiced with sincerity and diligence. Metta practice plants seeds of health and well being into the mind field and opens and strengthens the heart. It is the foundation for working with the other Brahma Viharas.

The traditional phrases have five targets, beginning with yourself. Most of us have a much easier time sending love to others than to ourselves. This is not an egoic action, but one that flows from ultimate mystery. Over time you add: a benefactor or close friend: a neutral person: someone you really dislike: and finally all beings. For the practice to work, it has to be heart-felt, not superficial or dismissive. “Sure, I’ll send love to Donald Trump” (not!) Which is why we keep it simple and easy in the beginning. The most commonly seen phrases are as follows:

  • May I be happy.
  • May I be at peace
  • May I live with ease.
  • May I be free from suffering.
  • May you be happy.
  • May you be at peace
  • May you live with ease.
  • May you be free from suffering, etc

There are many ways to modify and adapt these so that they are personally meaningful to you. In the Love and Death workshop, we began in a way that was very helpful to me, as the verses Frank taught us were:

May I (we) be safe and free from danger.
May I (we) find happiness.
May I (we) be filled with loving kindness.
May I (we) find ease in our lives.

The root of all painful emotions is fear, so right away we set the intention to be safe, to know we are safe, and to keep reminding ourselves again and again, until we really feel safe. This was the practice I used to help me get to sleep when my PTSD was acting up after the fire last winter. May I be safe! I still use this everyday, sometimes when I am clear, sometimes when I am struggling with my inner confusion and fear. This helps reconnect with our ‘basic goodness’ so we can root ourselves here. You can practice as part of your sitting practice, or anytime in the day when you can pause, relax and go through the phrases several times.

There are similar phrases that can be recited to cultivate  karuna, mudita and upeksha.

May you be free of your pain and sorrow.
May you find peace.

May your happiness and good fortune not leave you.
May your good fortune continue.
May your happiness not diminish

All beings are the owners of their karma; their happiness and unhappiness depends upon their actions, not on my wishes for them.
I care about you, and I’m not in control of the unfolding of events. I can’t make it all better for you.
Things are the way that they are.

An excellent and well detailed resource on working with the Brahma Viharas can be found here:


Dan Siegel: “The Developing Mind”, “The Mindful Brain”, “Mindsight, “The Mindful Therapist”, “Aware”

Daniel Goleman: “Emotional Intelligence”, “Social Intelligence”

Rick Hanson: Buddha’s Brain” (with Richard Mendius), “Just One Thing”

Allan Shore: Affect Regulation and the Origin of the Self” (very technical, for nerds only, but I discovered some major insights on my shame and panic attacks in this book.)
















Love, Death and the Skandhas: pt 2

“Life and death are of supreme importance. Time swiftly passes by and opportunity is lost. Each of us should strive to awaken. Awaken! Take heed, do not squander your life.”
This quote from Dogen Zenji, founder of the Soto School of Zen in Japan in the 1200’s, is recited at the end of the afternoon zazen practice session at the Upaya Zen Center in Santa Fe, and alludes to the first of the five invitations from Frank Ostaseski’s book mentioned in the previous post. The five invitations are useful to everyone, at all times and are at the core of spiritual practice.


1. Dont’ Wait! Begin Now, not later, not tomorrow, not when you feel better, or have more time. Do not squander your life! This breath: pause, relax, open, allow; begin again …. Practice is not just on the mat, but every moment of your life is your practice. Take heed! Awaken! You never know when Lord Yama may come knock knock knockin’ at your front door. Be ready to greet him. Learn your own skandhas and transform them through practice.

41i9Cq-UrML._SX336_BO1,204,203,200_2. Welcome Everything, Push Away Nothing.  In a previous post I included the famous Rumi poem, the Guest House, which describes the sense of this second invitation. We tend to seek pleasure and avoid pain, at all levels of existence, but we can never heal the wounds that do not get to see the light of our own discriminating wisdom. Your soul will provide lessons that need to be learned, and they usually involve some type of pain or suffering. Trust that you will be able to face the challenges.

Now in cases of more serious trauma, we may need outside support. Somatic Experiencing, the work of trauma resolution developed by Peter Levine and others is an excellent therapeutic approach to working with embodied trauma. Other types of psychotherapy can also be helpful to hold the larger energy field and help the client modulate their own nervous system. All of the upayas, (the Sanskrit word for ‘skillful means of stabilizing the mind field and opening the heart) are helpful when practiced. We will look at working with the Brahma Viharas as an upaya in the next post.

3. Bring Your Whole Self to the Experience.

Social media has been a disaster when it comes to the third invitation as it has created a forum for people to contrive personalities out of fantasy and feeds the illusion that faults, fears, weaknesses or other unpleasant aspects of our real moment to moment self sense need to be hidden away. Not just from others, but from ourselves as well.

There is wisdom that comes from facing the ‘undesirable aspects’ of our selves. To quote Frank, ” Yet more than once I have found an ‘undesirable’ aspect of myself, one about which I had previously felt ashamed and kept tucked away, to be the very quality that allowed me to meet another person’s suffering with compassion instead of fear or pity.”

My aggressive cancer diagnosis has uncovered all sorts of hidden nooks and cranies of my ‘non’ conscious mind, where fear, shame and other unpleasantries lurk. My practice is to welcome them, and then bring them into the light, holding them lightly and compassionately, but neither ignoring nor getting lost in them. Not claiming this is fun, but necessary.

4. Find a Place of Rest in the Middle of Things

Last July, I had an MRI done on my prostate, and that involved being tied down inside this tubular machine for a half hour or so, with load banging noises and whirring sounds surrounding me. I was supposed to be still so as to not blur the images. This was good practice in finding a place of rest in the middle of things. Sometimes, the chaos comes from the outside, as with the medical world. Sometimes, it comes from the inside, where you own emotions and thinking are creating the chaos. Resting in the middle of things is , of course, meditation practice. Meditation means literally staying in the middle, staying centered, in spite of what is happening around you, or inside you.

This is not an easy practice so it is best to start with simple challenges. Can I sit in a quiet room for 10 minutes, without needing to ‘do’ something. The inner urges to keep busy, to ‘fix the problem’, to ‘improve’, are relentless. The demands from the outer world are equally daunting. Pause, take a deep breath, relax, open to the moment, allow it to be just as it is. Repeat, again and again. The urge to ‘do’ is habitual, but can be transformed through practice.

In the Samadhi Pada, sutras I-12 to I-16, Patanljali gives two practices right away to get the process rolling; abhyasa and vairagyam. Abhyasa is developing stability, the capacity to not be moved’ from your seat’, from your center. Vairagyam is letting go of attachments to habits, beliefs, thoughts and patterns of action that perpetuate suffering.

5. Cultivate ‘Don’t Know’ Mind.

How do we balance the need to know, with deeply recognizing that ultimate mystery is ‘unknowable’. Like all spiritual practice, paradox is at the center of things. When I was first diagnosed with the prostate cancer last July, there were a lot of ‘unknowns’. What type of cancer was it, how long had it been there, and had it spread to anywhere else, were the first of the questions. Then there is conflicting information on just how to find out. Some feel that needle biopsies are dangerous; they can lead to infections and cause the cancer cells to spread. I absorbed that and paused. I had some blood work done to find if there were any metastasized cells in the blood stream. None from the prostate. Good news.

But my PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen, a marker for prostate cancer) numbers were going up. Not good. Following my intuition, I finally decided to do the needle biopsy to get the specific data on my cancer, and fortunately I did not put it off any longer, as the biopsy reports came back with gleason scores of 8 and 9, indicators of aggressive cancer growth. Not good, again, but with good data, a plan of action has been hatched.

After consulting with radiation oncologist Anthony D’Amico at the Dan Farber in Boston, I (we) have decided to undergo a combination of radiation and hormonal therapy. Prostate cancer feeds on testosterone, so I have just begun taking testosterone inhibiting hormones, and will probably be on those for several years. The word is I may begin to have hot flashes, grow breast tissue, gain weight, lose muscle mass and sex drive, and begin to binge watch chick flicks. Not sure about my voice.

The radiation will take place over an eight to nine week period, 5 days a week for 10 minutes each session. I will be doing this in Boston, probably beginning in early March, and there is a place where I can stay for free near the hospital, provided for out-of -town cancer patients. The radiation targets the prostate specifically, the hormones both the prostate and any other place where the prostate cancer cells may have landed. I have a bone scan coming up to see if there are any cancer cells growing in the bones. Because of the cancer, part of the prostate has fused with the rectum, so surgery will not be an option. No clean margins available.

Lots of new and useful information, but the big unknown remains. Dr D’Amico said there is a 70 – 80 % chance that in nine years I could be cancer free. No guarantees, but then again, life doesn’t offer guarantees; just possibilities to learn and grow. Anyone who is alive now knows how chaotic our local slice of the cosmos is right now. We are all in a big ‘don’t know’ moment, so it is a great opportunity to open to not knowing. We can still gather info, make intelligent decisions and lead lives of wisdom and compassion, but ultimately ‘don’t know mind’ can be our place of refuge.

This means the first skandha becomes in invitation to open, not run away. In 1990, during the third Iyengar Convention in San Diego, I was in deep emotional turmoil. I had just left a previous relationship to move in with Kate and repercussions were rippling through our local yoga world. I felt that I was in the middle of a minor nervous breakdown. But I somehow managed to teach my classes and had some extraordinary experiences with Mr. Iyengar, but one day, out of the blue, it seemed to me, he looked at me with those big bushy eyebrows flaring and said “you are always trying to escape’. He caught me totally by surprise and I did not know quite what to make of his comment. Those words left a deep impression and I only recently realized he was referring to that first skandha. He saw me at the abyss but choosing to not fully face it. Given his early years of serious illness, pain and emotional struggle, I’m sure he was very familiar with the first skandha.

There is no escape from the truth of impermanence and any intellectual resolution is totally inadequate. It is a deeply embodied state, where nerves and organs can say yes to their own fragile and yet vitally alive presence. If we can just learn to trust in life and rest there, then the infinite light of the timeless extending out over the cliff invites us to be the ultimate mystery. Emaho!