Monday: 1st chakra, feet and tail:
1: In standing: skiers tadasana: slightly bent knees. awakening feet, finding tarsal bones, yielding, creating space between heels, talus and ankles.
2. Pendulating/oscillating between forward flexion and extension: maintain full circle/sphere, use imagination to lengthen tail to length of legs. find effortless flow. Eliminate unnecessary spinal activity.
3. trikonasana: pendulating in and out, slowly, smoothly, staying in tail/pelvis, no spinal gripping, deepening groin space.
4. add parvakonasana/vira II. As knee bends, keep awarness/action through inner back leg, as if it were a tail. Keep tail action if possible.
5. add ardha chandrasana, staying low, finding the fulcrum and integration of movement.
6. Dog pose and variations:
7: viparita karani – happy baby – seaweed asana
Swimming homework: Mirror neurons: find any ocean creature and discover how to move the way it does
Reading: BB chapter 1
PM class: Tracking Sensation: too much – too little – just right cellular breathing radial expanding and condensing