Help Get Out the Vote

If you haven’t been paying attention, our fragile democracy, imperfect as it is, is in serious danger. This is happening to democracies around the world where the evolutionary movement towards a more conscious, compassionate, encompassing and embracing multicultural planet has ignited a backlash of repression and fear.

In America, the election deniers seem to be multiplying in number.

With the US Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, radical politicians are planning to do all they can to legally own the inside of women’s bodies.

Book banning is the new rage in public education.

The radical right is organizing themselves to further suppress or disrupt voting in the non Red states and districts.

The Progressive Turnout Project, a group I worked with in the last election, is again helping to mobilize voters in swing districts and swing states. There are many ways to help and the one I am supporting is writing to inconsistent Democratic voters to encourage them, their friends and family to vote in the November 8 election.

The success of this in the 2020 elections has inspired a deepening of engagement for 2022. Postcards to Swing States began in a volunteer’s garage and has grown to include all 50 states and Puerto Rico. If you have some time and energy, please click on the above link and jump in. If not, at least, please vote and encourage your friends and families to as well. Democracy is only as strong as those willing to participate.