More Concentric Circles

Trees provide extraordinary examples of ways in which nature uses concentric circles. Each circle reflects a year of growth providing a window into the growing conditions of that year. The wider circles show the more beneficent years, narrow ones indicate more challenging ones. What if our growth somewhat replicates trees? What if each year we add a layer of growth that reflects our physical, physiological, emotional and spiritual growth patterns of that year?

The structural integration world has long noticed correlations between holding patterns in the body and the specific ages at which the trauma first appeared. As we peel away our own layers of confusion, we might be surprised to find some interesting years, some interesting rings. As we work with concentric circles of radiant energy allow the different years to soak a bit in flow and allow the stuckness to find its way into radiation. We can track the circles outward, from center to perimeter, or inward, toward the open unbounded center point.

If we use sound, such as a crystal bowl or bell, we can follow the sound waves both in their sinusoidal movements and the circular radiation. Imagine each chakra as the center of radiating rings of sound and light. See what happens in the tissues, cells, fluids of the body. Let the sound penetrate inward through the circles of emotions, tissues, and whatever else is floating around in there. Keep exploring. Start with restorative or sitting postures. Gradually try more challenging ones until the radiant energies are all you need to sustain the pose.

The Grace of the Heavens Descending

Zacciah Blackburn, PhD
“The ancients have always known it, and have graced us with their wisdom teachings.  The Grace of the Heavens descends upon us, always.  And, the blessings of the Holy Ones, of all traditions, are with us constantly.
Do we realize it? Do we take the time to listen, to receive, to perceive the undaunting caress, the careening of gifts descending upon us at all times?  Or, do we focus our attention upon a small aspect of our lives, often that includes wounding or suffering, memories of calamity, loss, grief, stress, or chaos, or anticipation of such?  I do not mean to make light of the intense calamities and suffering so many of us face, or have faced.  Yet, it is true, what we focus our attention upon is what creates our reality.  It is our awareness, the level of consciousness we choose to embrace, which supercedes all other realities, no matter how evident they are.  As my good friend Freddy Silva is known to say, those who believe, know they have to believe to see.  Those who do not believe, believe they have to see to believe….”
Zacciah is a clear voice of the 2012 energies. He is a spiritual teacher, healer and educator who works with sound, the natural world and other ancient traditions. We have one of his crystal singing bowls that we use at home. If you would like to read the whole article please go to:
his home page is: