A brief history of yogis …

The first yogi that entered my youthful field of awareness was, of course, Yogi Berra, shown here in his 1963 Topps baseball card. Although disguised as a catcher for the Yankees, Yogi was actually non-dualist philosopher. “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” “What time is it, Yogi? You mean now?” “The future ain’t what it used to be.” As far as yoga poses, this yogi was an expert in squatting and throwing out base thieves.

Next to appear was Yogi Bear,  a star for Hanna-Barbera Productions. This yogi didn’t catch thieves; he was one. Like his namesake, yogi is full of philosophical insights. “A genius never questions his instincts, Boo-Boo. When you have a mind like mine, you can’t blink or you’ll put a kink in your think!” ” I am smarter than the average bear!” Yogi can run…

But his head balance needs some work.

His 21st century descendants are emerging in the present moment with a more refined set of yogic skills. Notice the focus, the use of hands and feet, fingers and toes. First comes the right leg.

Left side is a little easier. Only one hand needed. Eyes calm, spine centered, jaws and throat relaxed.

Now both legs. total concentration, quiet gaze, perfect balance.

Meet Yoga Bear 2012, a female named Santra, currently residing in a zoo in Finland. Maybe it’s the cold weather that inspires her! These photos were actually taken in 2010, so maybe she has added some new poses to her repertoire by now.

Mayan Ouroboros

Awakening to a Mayan Way of Perceiving

(from Drunvalo Melchizedek)

Life is always completing itself, by itself,
through itself.

There is no other!


Only one spirit moves through All Life
And everything is alive.


This One Universe of stars and planets was created
through the shape and proportions of a simple
sphere, and can equally be seen in a circle.

As you understand, this you understand
the importance of cycles.

Time is circular.

Space is circular.

Dimensions are circular. Size is circular.

Even all light waves become circular eventually.

So when a cycle of 25, 625 years

comes to an end and a new beginning emerges,

perhaps we should see and know the sacredness in

the moment of our everyday lives.

Remember who YOU are in the dance of cycles,


you immediately win the Game of Life.

What’s your prize?

Oneness reveals itself

all around you


within you.

Polarity disappears.

Death is mastered.

Immortality becomes reality.

And YOU come full circle when you realize

that what is all around you, Nature,

is also within you.

Do you know you are filled with stars?


are the connection between outside


the inside

And truly,

the First is the Last

The Last is the First


In La’kesh

Mayan for:

“You are another me, and I am another you”.

The Mayan Ouroborous

DECEMBER 21, 2012

11:11 PM (Chitzen Itza, Mexico)

At that moment,

the Earth, the Sun,
the Center of the Galaxy
are in a straight line,
and it will not happen again,

for 25, 625 years.

Spiritually know:

At that moment, the Heart of the Earth, the Heart of the Sun,
the Heart of the Galaxy as living beings are Intimately Connected.

Birth is inevitable.



A New Cycle Begins.

The WIndow



— excerpt from
The Mayan Ouroborous, Drunvalo Melchizedek

Yoga, Mental Health and Complex Systems

Dan Siegel, pediatric psychiatrist, pioneering interpersonal neurobiologist and all around brilliant guy, has helped revolutionize my understanding of the interconnectedness of yoga/meditation practice and the optimization of mental health. Here, as part of the opening chapter in Healing Trauma, a book he co-edited with Marion Solomon, Dan describes how the human mind, as well as human social groups, can operate as complex systems. (My comments in color.)

“One exciting idea that emerges from the application of complexity theory to mental processes is this: Systems that are able to move toward maximal complexity are healthy systems. They are the most stable, adaptive, and flexible. (Sthira sukham asanam!) What a wonderfully concise definition of well being. Mental health can thus be defined as a self-organizational process that enables the system – be it a person, relationship, family, school, community, or society – to continually move toward maximal complexity.” (Here we see an obvious obstacle for the world community and the US. If more complexity is seen as being too scary, too foreign, there is liable to be a regressing in overall mental health.)

Here Dan articulates seven principles of complexity theory that are relevant to mental health and our yoga practice. Find out in your own practice how these ideas may be helpful. Italics are Dan’s way of zeroing in on the key phrases.

“1. Complex systems have a self-organizational process that emerges out of the nature of the properties of their component parts. (Cells, organs, neurons, blood vessels, bones etc, as well as belief systems, teachings, new ideas.)

2. The flow of states of the system has recursive features, both internal and external, that reinforce flow in a certain direction. (Movement of blood, breath, peristalsis, or the MCAS testing and teaching procedures.)

3. Both internal and external constraints, or features, determine the course of change or trajectory of the system over time. ( How you practice moves the system. Are you opening to more complexity and novelty, just repeating the past, or heading over the cliff (global warming?))

4. Self-organizational processes tend to move the system toward maximal complexity.

5. The ability to create maximally complex states offers the most stable, flexible and adaptive states to emerge. Complexity is a state of the system that flows between sameness, rigidity, order and predictability on the one hand and change, randomness, chaos and unpredicitablity on the other. (tamas, rajas and sattva)

6. Complexity is achieved by the balancing of the two fundamental processes of differentiation and integration. (Can you differentiate your sacrum from the pelvis?, the liver from the heart, the erector spinae muscles from the multifidi?) Can you get them to work together once differentiated? Lots more choices here! .. How about ‘Awareness’ and what arises in awareness?)

7. The inability of the system to move toward complexity can be seen as a form of “stress” to the system. (Check out the current political scene.)

When you begin to recognize the you are inextricably intertwined with the “Whole”, you can draw upon the complexity/intelligence of the both the cosmos and cells to help you heal and thrive.